Choreographer/s | Jay Hirabayashi and Barbara Bourget
Name of piece | Wreck Beach Butoh
Venue | Wreck Beach
Wreck Beach Butoh has been performed annually by Kokoro Dance for the past twenty-eight years. It is one of our favourite performances but also a test of the stamina and spirit of the performers who participate in a 2-week 5-hour/day workshop during which they learn a 60 to 70 minute work that is performed with set, music, and lighting by Mother Nature. The performances are in the nude apart from white body-makeup that the dancers apply to erase their egos. Suggested donation $20.
Performances take place at 9:25am on Saturday, July 15, and 10:05am on Sunday, July 16 at the foot of the #4 Trail below the UBC Museum of Anthropology. Parking available at the Rose Garden Parkade (6278 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1). Allow 20 minutes to get from parkade to Wreck Beach.
Choreographers: Barbara Bourget and Jay Hirabayashi
Free Event
July 15th @ 9:25 AM
July 16th @ 10:05 AM
Approx. Running Time: 60 to 70 minutes