Kelly McInnes

Lead Artist / Creator | Kelly McInnes 

Name of piece | Late Stage Remedy

Venue | Off-Site Beaconsfield Park - David Lam Park

Late Stage Remedy is a 1 hour collective dance meditation, led by Kelly McInnes, taking place at public parks in so-called Vancouver. Through an improvised score, we gather to offer grounding presence, attention & care to the lands we dance on together. The practice is an invitation to slow down, remember ourselves as Earth and honor this vital, potent connection.

Lead Artist | Facilitator: Kelly McInnes

Kelly McInnes is a dance artist concerned with embodying care & creating as a way to reconnect with the Earth. Her Craniosacral Therapy practice and passion for collective healing powerfully inspires her artistry. She is grateful to have worked as a choreographer, performer & community-engaged facilitator with many brilliant artists on beautiful projects over the past decade. Kelly delights in sharing dance through community classes & collaborative creative processes with youth, adults & seniors. She also enjoys supporting the creative processes of her colleagues.


Veronica Berezowsky

Yvonne Chew

Sue Cohene

Luciana D’Anunciação

Sophie Dow

Sarah Gallos

Chantal Gering

Mariko Kage

Allie Lang

Courtney Lang

Amber Laura

Janice Laurence

Juolin Lee

Maki Maruoka

Pia Massie

Janice Masur

Sierra Megas

Brandon Schwinn

Sophia Wolfe

Martin Wong

Sarah Wong

Avis Yang

& more


June 15th @ 12:00 PM – Beaconsfield Park

June 20th @ 4:00 PM – David Lam Park

Approx. Running Time: 60 minutes

Photo by Yvonne Chew of Kelly McInnes
Photo by Yvonne Chew of Janice Laurence
Photo by Yvonne Chew of Sierra Megas
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